Every moment of it, I had to analyse situations at hand, take decisions and bear the outcome of my own deeds. So, I got a faint idea of myself, got to know the me with a bit more accuracy( at least that was what I thought).
So, I sat in a lone corner, in the darkness of the room, myself being my only companion, to get to know myself a bit deeper. The word is INTROSPECTION. Quite a heavy word I would say.
I tried at the brim of me and carefully stepped into the untreaded territory of my own soul.
Some moments brought me to the light of the past, some flashes. I, with all care and concentration tried to tread on inside what I felt like a spider's web, trying not to break a thread, but all that happened was me stepping into the realm of confusion where overload of information and hazy picturews blurred the serene lake of thoughts, and bond of frustration had clasped my mind preventing gettign further trapped into the dense and perplexing mysterious spider's web, or rather my own web, and ultimately my mind was thrown off the track and back into the real world.
It seemed there was some barrier within me beyond which I could not peek, some things that my mind could not understand.
So, I still remain a mystery to myself with failed attempts at introspecting myself.

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