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Sunday, January 31, 2010

I had read about social evils and superstitions in India in my social studies. I always thought all of it was just for mugging and vomiting in the exams, and such thing no longer existed, and I never had an encounter with any such thing.
Born and brought up in a city, with modern amenities all around, with so-called intellectual people all around, I could not deny the truth of the fact that these social evils were a matter of the past. This misconception however lasted until I visited my village. I had been there when I was a child and at that time was not in a position to understand or judge the phenomena taking place around me.
After so many years, I felt fresh air, devoid of the city smoke, touch my face, the paddy was swaying in the fields, everything seemed so fascinating. Everything was new, there was no hustle and bustle of the city, I could even hear the chirping if the bird.
I settled down in my house. It was festival time, so everyone was busy in preparing delicacies. Some of my grandmother’s friends were sitting there chatting while they prepared the materials of the food. I just sat there with novel in my hand. It must have been after some time, when a girl about my age came. She sometimes ran some errands for the house, cleaning, and stuff. I was very much into the novel when one of the ladies sitting there asked me to pass the jug of water placed at about a meter distance from me. Reluctant to move, my eyes stuck to the page of the novel I asked the girl who was next to it to pass it on. She looked at me, then quietly took it to the woman who was sitting with her back to the girl. Without looking at her she took the jug, kept it down and then raised her head to see her face. Immediately at that point of time she dropped the jug and started shouting at her, as if she had committed a sin. I didn’t get it. Later I came to know that she was a lower caste, an untouchable and was not supposed to touch anything in the kitchen. The incident shook me. Did things like that still happen? Yes, they do.
What happened the next day was another big surprise. The lady next door was going somewhere with her baby. She greeted my grandmother and told her that the baby was not sleeping properly, so she was taking her to the ‘tantrik’. He will cast some spells and make him more comfortable. Once again I saw a strange thing, I kept on staring at her with disbelief till she disappeared from my view. And strangest was the fact that she was not some illiterate person, she was a teacher in the village school.
These were two of the many disturbing things that I found out in one visit. I don’t know what more is lurking in the rural areas of India, which I did not notice. However such things are not only limited to the rural people, but to an great extent spread among the intellectuals too.
Industrially India might have progressed, but majority of India still follows the old superstitions, and have no intention of curbing the social evils that are eating up our country from within. Until India progresses socially there is very little chance that it will develop.
-me, aditi priya

Saturday, January 30, 2010


In a world so wide,
Where waits for none do time and tide,
You step out of your house,
And find people around you like mouse,
In a sea of humans are you engulfed,
And yet, your spirit is so dulled.

Life at its normal pace does go,
Your aspiration, your dreams on the zenith do flow,
Achieving them, the only thing you aspire,
Don’t care how much for it you perspire
To millions of people you talk,
Greet them with a pretty smile as by them you walk.
Sit with many, jokes you crack,
Laugh with them, till your breath you get back.

Call people, and for hours on phone,
share you experience, your pains be told,
Walk to the neighbours,
Updated with the gossip latest,
Hear them all with breath bated.

Many hours a day, where ever you live,
Wherever you go, all you do is socialize,
and yet, hours you drive,
At home you arrive,
In a corner you sit, after the lantern you lit,
And the thing your mind which haunts,
Is loneliness, which no one wants.

In a sea of folks,
Droplets around you whooshes and croaks,
But know not you, what you want,
The drop you want is always the farthest.
At last, what to heart does haunt,
Is just the loneliness that lies deep beyond.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Sometimes, when my mind is too cluttered,
And what fills it, nothing could be uttered,
Then in heart a tide rages,
Like has been restless since ages.
In no one then, can my thoughts I confide,
Facts that from others I prefer to hide,

Whether I be euphoric or sad,
Announcing seems, and option too bad.
Then nothing can I concentrate upon,
all my energy does my thoughts siphon,
mind then gets compelled,
to find a solution, that heart held.
Hands move towards the table,
To take the paper and switch off the cable,
Fingers wrap upon the pen kept,
Hands pens down all heart felt.
To pour the storm of emotion,
That in me created a commotion,

Words I felt, as ink flows on paper,
Meanwhile, the storm evaporates as vapor.
Takes few lines to pour the storm,
Then insides feel nice and warm.
Heart feels light, the tide gone,
Makes me feel good enough to walk out in lawn.


Over so many zones,
Over too wide a realm,Does life sail.
The sea, sometimes serene,
But sometime turbulent.

Over this, long an odyssey,Same remains the captain,
The crew does change.
To various levels does this range.
No exception was I,
Me changed as time passed by,
Some good, others bad qualities,
did soul inculcate,

But today when I sit and think,
I get that the changes I hate,
Never got to know when I changed,
Till many years this change ranged.
Only today when past and present do I compare,
At the vast difference I stare.

What was I, and, What did I become,
I loved the past,But it could not last.
Today, with past I had an encounter,
More than present, past spoke louder.
Chance to meet old friends did I earn,
To the good old days, did my soul return.
The same innocent laughter,Recalling the glorious moments,
And the mischiefs we did,
Before the eyes did swim,
Lips did curl, and the eyes blink,
To confine just the good old days, did mind shrink,

Once again, I lived in the past,
Relived the past,
Once again ,I loved being myself!


When the world came,
God had millions faces to frame,
No less was the task of millions souls to make,
All with varied qualities, different features to take,
With all permutations, so difference not there,
He gave different colors for people to share.

God made humans, all alike,
Same did they stand in god’s eye,
No discrimination between black and white,
No parameter there, for beauty to define.
Then soon in world human did arrive,
God had bestowed brains on them,
But forgot to tell, how to use the same.

His brain did man misuse,
And god’s gift started to abuse,
Beauty did man redefine,
And let the definition shine.
The definition evolved,
Became Feelings more strong,
And now comes the race,
When all that defines one is their face.

A man meets another,
His face tells the other,
if with him to bother.
But tell me, be frank,
Is beauty really important, or is it a crank?
Look of a person doesn’t say, whats inside,
Or how will he behave with the person beside,
Factor of judgment, on better grounds,
That which is permanent,Not in a matter of time is it bound.
Looks are deceptive,
To prove that we need no detective.
A person looks bad in sun,
But under candle he may shine.
That is how beauty may sublime.
A person you see,By his face you may judge,
When you talk,Or with him take a walk,
The impression previous rinsed,
New colors get your mind,
Now you wonder if to make him your friend,
Was beauty your basis?
No!Then why take beauty, more important to soul?

Beauty can describe a soul,
An action you did can beauty be,
But never had you set, your mind so free,
To search the beauty in face, which in heart be!
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This is the story of me and only me,
What had been lost from life, to see
One dark night, in a dark corner I sat,
With my cycle nearby, and beside me my hat,
Too lone, aloof of everything in world was how I felt
But by these words don’t allow your heart to melt,
Rather, understand what I want by this to convey!

The dark sky was my sole shelter that night,
The twinkling stars, burnt themselves to show their might,
I lay on the grass, with the rustling leaves,
Playing the only music around,
The wind too blew with all its might,
To blow the sand that lay on ground,
The weather cold, the night scary,
but of my life was I so weary,
that nothing could affect me tonight.

Not that something had happened, or I was hurt,
but that day, life began to many things blurt,
Of past, of present, and of future,
The road that I had taken seemed wrong,
The efforts I had put seemed not enough strong,
Of my in capabilities to achieve,
What had forever been my dream, was I reminded,
The worst moments of my life came alive before my eyes.

Not a drop of tear rolled,
Not a word left my lips, nor was my eyes wet,
Just that my heart wept.
And all the sorrows rose to my heart,
Which for so many years buried had heart kept,
So many dreams did eyes see, so many aspirations mind had,
But some moments lost, and all those thoughts now make me sad
Those dreams seemed distant, the thought of having lost them,
Forever and ever,
Stung my heart worse than any pain, this world could inflict,
Yes, there was a pain worse than that,
That none could feel my pain, and alone I sat

Then sitting there, a thought passed my desolate mind,
Then what in this world was I living for then,
With so much pain, and so huge a defeat,
That my crushed heart could take no more.
Had not I had enough?
As this very question that my mind put,
My heart seemed to emerge from the flashbacks out,
And my eyes began at the sky to stare,
Where the stars with all their might did flare,
And the my eyes looked around me,
God knows for what to see.

And my mind sent a message to heart,
Is not this world a piece of art?
Everything has its own share of beauty,
In every action lay a motive,
The very mind, that asked why to live,
Was retorting that life had many things to give,
The past we see, the present we live,
But the future we imagine,
And wait for the god to unveil.

The future is a mystery,
And got nothing to do with history.
Slowly it unravels, dazzling all,
And knows who, in it could be so pleasure,
To cast away, of your defeat the displeasure,
In this belief we all do live,
And this is the one to others we give,
This desire of a golden tomorrow,
Gives us the light, to fight our sorrow
To live sans the pain of past,
And live the present fast,
So that, lives may carry us to golden blast,
Of the future, of which we dreamt.

Once again did I gaze at the dark sky,
And this time heart gave a smile.
So much mystery did this world hold,
mystery that no one has ever told,
but is open for you to unravel,
if in your own mind, in you own life you travel.
And my lips curled, to give a big smile.
It was not just the lips that curled,
but with the pleasure my heart furled,
it was the pleasure of a small kid,
that was triumphant to unravel,
one of the many mysteries,
that ruled this world.

The thought may childish, to many seem,
But still, with delight did my heart beam,
My hair danced with the breezy wind,
And my lips sang with the rustling leaves.
And then I knew that I was fine,
And bore the strength to fight the sorrows,
That were mine,
Some strength got pumped in my limbs frail,
And I knew, to my destination had I back to trail,
My hat I put, my cycle I took,
A song I hummed,
As I did walk and jumped,
Back to my house, back to present,
After having an encounter with the past!!!!