He put in two bottles of life, for us to strive,
A crystal of family, one wants badly,
A handful of friends, our sorrow to end,
A trough of love, all above,
And then stirred the cauldron, under the bright sun.
Hours of stirring, the potion didn’t shift,
The change in no way was swift,
It yet was clear, lucid and still,
Not a drop out, did spill.
He stopped it there, to think and retrieve,
To ponder upon, what ingredient did he leave,
Spoonful of adventure, cup of exhilaration,
And then he waited for some duration.
Yet, no change, it all seemed strange,
All ingredients were right,
Still, the potion didn’t burn bright.
He sat and thought again,
Stressed his brain but all in vain,
It seemed like hours until it appeared,
The idea, which was to be cheered,
He got up, walked and in he went.
Returned, all with a pinch,
Threw it in, and saw it spin,
It bubbled and rose,
Fumes of color and beauty froze,
Merry bubbles did dance,
As swirling colors did glance.
A pinch of success was all it took,
To make the life, worthy to look,
Just a pinch was all it took,
Which did change of life, its outlook.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Posted by aditi at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
3G.....ShApE YoUr DeStInY!!!!
The cold wind rushed past her caressing her face, and the mild rays of the winter sun warmed her. The scenery visible was beautiful(so much green was a rarity). And yet, aloof from the shuddering of the bridge as the train crossed it, away from the call of the vendors, and far from the regular chatter of her fellow passengers, her mind had wandered miles away, and the thoughts that passed sure did bring a smile on her lips.

She sat the whole day, connecting calls to all her parents friends and relatives, from the big list she had already compiled, and looking at the joys when old bonds were retied and strengthened, great memories relived and more beautiful bonds formed.
Posted by aditi at 3:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
FaiLeD AtTeMpT

Posted by aditi at 6:58 PM 0 comments
I love the deep darkness of the night,
And yet love the morning light,
But what I love the most of all,
The transition from dim to bright.
The dusky sky,
The sun goes shy,
The veil falls over,
In darkness, giving it cover.
Pitch dark of the space around,
The dark sky seems to meet the dark ground,
The serenity it commands,
Till the morning light lands.
After the deepest of the dark,
Comes the singing of lark,
Tardily the veil lifts,
The shy sun out of it shifts.
Bestows the golden rays so week,
The silver dewdrops they all seek,
They play for time so long,
Dew gets tried, retreat to where they belong.
The fresh morning air the rays feed,
The cold, out of air lead,
The sun sets up its workspace,
The air with extreme heat does it lace.
All this, till dark takes over,
Again to sky, does it provide cover,
This goes on and on,
Everyday comes the dusk and dawn.
Posted by aditi at 5:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 11, 2010
In a rare moment of luxury,
I sat recollecting the past moments so savory,
Through the pictures I browsed,
Which, so many beautiful moments had housed.
I still remember, new and fresh,
The air was so light, so pure,
So chilly, that any heat it would cure,
The soft light of sun, hit the flowers,
And scattered and spread in the golden hour.
The freshness of grasses green,
Dancing were the blades lean,
The slight slope of the curving ground,
Looked eyes in eyes with the clouds around.
The cool scent of the breeze inhaled,
That disheveled our hair as it sailed,
The shrieking laughter of my friends,
While the pristine beauty touched or sense.
Of all those moments, of that time,
My mind reminded me of those sublimed,
Extreme nostalgia filled my heart,
Memories are exquisite pieces of art.
Posted by aditi at 4:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The small servant of my neighbors.....saw her many times a day...sometimes carrying the heavy bucket of washed clothes up to the terrace, sometimes giving the evening stroll to her master's kid, and sometimes carrying the heavy shopping bags. All this....at an age when she needed love, care and concern, not responsibilities and chores....... time when she should have been fed, not earn her own food and roof................
I have lived in darkness,
I don’t know light,
Done what they want me to do,
Have no idea what is right.
To do chores, have always been on run,
Am ignorant to the idea of fun,
Been always dressed in rags,
Don’t know how it feels, dress with tags.
Never even thought of trying a pie.
Money I get, seems like alms,
And can fit in the hollow of my palms.
Fed her with milk, her mom away when,
I barely myself am ten,
But water is all I have, my thirst to quench.
Getting four meals a day is my idea of bliss,
A roof over my head,
And to sleep, a small bed.
Destiny has sucked my life away like leaches,
But to complain and cry will be of no avail,
Attempts to change my destiny will always fail,
With destiny now I have done a deal,
Whatever it gives, it does not make me feel.
The most innocent phase of life-CHILDHOOD!!...the only carefree, fun filled and enjoyable time that life provides....... but the phase has been tainted and scarred for many.....putting their delicate body to work under grueling circumstances, lifting weights more than their own body weight........
Can their be any inhumanity greater?? Making sure that own family and child has all the luxuries of life and robbing other's child of their childhood??
Posted by aditi at 4:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Trillions of days lived, millions of people met,
Thousands of work done, Hundreds of goals made,
So many successes, And so many defeats,
But just one dream,
Got shattered, but she could not even scream..
Her heart did sting,
of it to think,
Eyes do nothing but helplessly blink,
So much pain,
But not a drop of tear.
So many days passed,
Many ways crossed,
New experiences met,
New environment set,
New friends made,
New aspirations stayed.
But that one thought,
Every time haunts,
Of weakness reminds,
To her sorrows does it binds,
Heart cries,
Intense pain arise,
But not a drop shed,
she could not cry.
Wanted she, relieved of pain,
Allow tears, drop like rain,
But all it did,
Burden her heart,
With sadness, defeat,
That up till now did she meet.
Of pain, she can shout, she can talk,
But all she wanted was a drop of tear,
But all she could do was,
she could not cry.
Posted by aditi at 10:53 PM 1 comments
In a world so brightly lit
Out of the ground I grew
Made many friends, all new .
Lived together for days so many
Danced and swayed together in weather
Windy and sunny
Whatever and however it was
Together we stood, until the very last.
That was my life, my domain
Life was simple and plane
Until it all did change
And it all felt so strange.
Ripped off my family, did they drag
Process and then put in bag
Together we wept,
Where we all were kept.
Many days did pass
I changed hands and bags
Sent from here to there,
Finally don’t know I landed where
All I know, the crown is strange
Such life my destiny arrange .
Initially, nearby bags had them all,
Sometimes at least, them did I call
Then slowly, we all did drift
To different places, us did they shift
Made new friends, but older I lost
Life to me a lot did cost .
Shifted again, from here to there
I again lost all, about whom I did care
Remember those and I do smile
But to adjust to idea I lost them, takes me awhile
Busy with ourselves, we all got lost
Some drenched in rain, or frozen in frost .
About to be cooked, eaten by the people I hate
At this end of mine
All seems fine
But all that bothers, all does flash
All those grains, all those friends
Once they mattered, today forgotten
I miss them a ton,
It was so fun.
Still I thank them all with all my heart,
Which is about to be steamed for a start.
Posted by aditi at 10:44 PM 0 comments
And the cold of the growing damp,
The black letter danced before my eyes,
A single look at them made me cry.
A single question knocked on my head,
But my brain had gone to bed,
Lazing and lurking it opened the door,
The question swooshed in and sat on the floor.
An untimely guest, and unwelcome one,
Such treatment to deserve, brain had not done,
The screaming question ran and danced,
The traitor, the spy, to reach its destination glanced.
The naïve child ran, didn’t recoil,
In forbidden territory did it tread the soil,
Ran straight, then left and right,
Resistance of my sleepy brain did it fight.
Moved here and there, then left and right,
Didn’t know its way, light not that bright,
Untreaded land, forbidden kingdom,
Lost in maze, destinaion wont come.
Encroachment didn’t my brain accept,
Awareness of trespassing t it crept,
Opened door, threw the screaming, screeching guest out,
Which it could do well without,
Peace and serenity at last,
Brain to bed, head dropped on the book to sleep, fast.
Posted by aditi at 10:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The rustling of the leaves beneath the foot,
The honking of horn behind the bus pinned,
The music of the bird giving a hoot.
The tinkling of the cycle’s bell,
The clinking of the chime’s at the nearby dwell,
The thumping of the ball in play,
Running of the children on way.
They define the rhythms around,
The beautiful music in the lives found,
They define the music of life,
What we call the rhythms of life.
Posted by aditi at 9:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Today as per statistics – India graduates the largest number of engineers after China at around 350,000 per year.
The Science and Technology infrastructure has grown up from about Rs. 10 million at the time of independence in 1947 to Rs. 30 billion. Significant achievements have been made in the areas of nuclear and space science, electronics and defense
India has the third largest scientific and technical manpower in the world; 162 universities award 4,000 doctorates and 35,000 post-graduate degrees and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research runs 40 research laboratories which have made some significant achievements.
In the field of missile launch technology, India is among the five top nations of the world.
Well, enough of these success stories, which clearly illustrates how India has matured from a country of villages to that of missiles, research and technology.
Right from a small baby, self absorbed with his toy car to an man, walking on the road with earphones and using his cell phone to get the latest news and a woman sitting in front of the TV watching her favorite soaps, everything spells technology, that which has progressed by leaps and bounds in India.
India is a country where innumerable geniuses are born each day (that’s the only positive side of increasing population), each day many of them graduate, and each moment some beautiful and really great idea creeps into their mind, left only to be implemented. The only drawback to all these is lack of proper encouragement and funding. In abundance of these two prerequisites they will no doubt go a long way, ahead of the most developed countries, to reach the zenith of success.
Each day thousands of Indians, preside an US company, take the most vital decisions for the future of other nations, and offer their contribution to the history of technology. Can you imagine the magnitude of success, that of development if all the brains of India were to be put together, united by the common love for science and technology? It seriously is BIG, to big to imagine!!!!
Technology has become our shelter, clothing ad food, so come on all
Posted by aditi at 10:39 PM 0 comments
RESPECT-Philosophers will define it as that sentiment in your heart for an individual that gives a dignified position to the person, and create a special position in your head and heart.
Science students may define it as a feeling or a force that can provide or stop momentum of your brain towards a decision or deed by one word.
Whatever whoever might say, what I say, respect is the feeling that comes stright out of the heart, and at the receiving end might be your parents, your seniors, teacher or even friends.
You develop a special kind of feeling, some affection for someone for any reason at all, might be simple or complex or no reason at all. Respect towards your parents is inherent in you right from your birth.
Respect ca never be forced, it can only be gained. You cannot truly respect someone you don’t look up t. a common example in the context of us, the students will be our teachers.
We are expected to respect them, but why not are they supposed to gain it. They say we show disrespect just because they award low scores, but everyone is well versed with the truth that there cannot be a lie more blatant. Irrespective of our marks, we truly and with our heart respect those who deserve it.
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 9:28 PM 0 comments
I was sitting in my balcony having my morning teal, with the newspaper in hand, when I heard some excited chattering. Who could be out in a group this early, my curiosity compelled me to go and have a look. The source of commotion was a group of guys, with hockey sticks in hands, chatting as they moved to their destination. After that day, my attention was always drawn to the group. Almost everyday they played hockey in the nearby field. It made me wonder, why was hockey not so popular? Was it not so interesting? I went to the field one day, the swing of the sticks, the swiftness of feet, the immense control each had over the ball, the strategy of playing, everything fascinated me.
There once had been a golden era in India for hockey, when it produced some of the best player there ever where in the history of hockey! Between 1928 and 1956 India won six consecutive gold medals in the Olympics games. Legendary players like Dhyan Chand, Dhanraj Pillay and Dilip Tirkey could reach your heart with the swing of a stick.
Every game has its ups and downs, there are times when the fickle minded public concentrates and focuses on one game. Something as small as some victory c an change their minds and turn their inclination to the other game.
There still are players in India who have it in them to make hockey regain its original position, what is required is a little faith ad confidence in them.
Hockey has been rolling to its lows recently, that doesn’t mean that the game would not see an UP!! That in no way means it would not reach the zenith of popularity and never does it mean that it is a national SHAME!!
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 9:18 PM 0 comments
[on the epidemic of tv celebrity shows]
They're doing a new show: Celebrity Corpse, where you dig up someone after five years and try to guess who they were.
-- Paul Merton
Television…earlier a luxury, with development became a necessity today, and from necessity it has become an addiction. People mould their lifestyle according to their favorite programs being aired. Kids leave their homework to watch some cartoons, women for their masala saas-bahu serials, and men keep glued to the 24 hours news channel.
However now, people seem to have their fill of these, they have become saturated with the bitter exchange of words (someday might be swords) between the saas and bahu, the over idealistic and single shade characters of Ekta Kapoor and the metamorphosis and modification of news into masala.
So, their taste buds have settled for something new. God know till when will their addictions last!!
Marriages are said to be made in heaven. When did they start being made on TV?
It might have seemed an excellent way to get the TRP’s high but any intellectual fellow will simple switch off the TV rather than watch Rahul Mahajan or Rakhi Sawant selecting their soul mates. On one event I switched off my intellect, switched on the TV, browsed through the channels and settled for Rakhi Ka Swayamvar, and behold, their she was sitting listening to the guys professing their love to her, and she looked equally in love with each one of them. I thought …was that possible?
Just think, what joy would it give to anyone sitting near the TV doing nothing but watching celebrities fight, conspire, gossip or play their dirty politics.
Reality TV shows does everything, ranging from making celebrities dance to their tunes to searching for the perfect bride (perfect in what sense yet remains to be known).
An honest reply to the big question in my mind,” are reality TV shows any better than the usual soaps being aired in India?” and I get the answer NO!!
They are worst, we live with the consolation that the dark shades of characters in the soap are just reel not real but the reality shows shatters our myth, we see the darkest shades of people for real!!
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 1:57 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 19, 2010
Room, previously in darkness did plunge,
Light definitely to it now did clung,
Single bulb, soft light emanate,
Showed the dark and bright of fate.
Thousands, millions bulbs at me did stare,
I tried to look past the light and glare,
An innocent set of eyes, a girl so small,
Out in the garden, she and mom, playing with the ball.
Withering leaves, with wind did blow,
The trees around danced fast and blow,
One look with care, the girl was me,
The beauty of the surround did I see.
The beauty of past withheld me,
To my past had I got the key,
But to my present I must go,
Living in past of no use, I know.
I opened the door, the only one,
Stepped into another room, after done,
Again the array of mirror, I met,
This was my present I bet.
Not wishing to have a look,
I know it like my favorite book,
The shining door in corner, me did tempt,
To peek into my future, wanted to attempt.
It could be dangerous, could be drab,
It could be gone, if I didn’t grab,
I took a step, two or three,
It gave a call, just to me.
Pulled the door, gave a peek,
It was noisy, into other room did it leak,
No safe light, no glow,
It was bright as hell, everything fast, not slow.
Cautiously I entered, did the dare,
Dumbstruck was, by what was there,
All the mirrors had shattered,
On the floor the shards had cluttered.
The scenery pleasant, the greenery,
All disappeared, it was now dreary,
Scorching rays of sun did me blind,
Everywhere, just what I could find.
Noises of people shouting, children crying,
I saw almost everyone dying,
All the plea, the hue and cry,
Made my heart stop, lips go dry.
Tried to bear it, wasn’t so fit,
Clutched my hair, and gave a scream,
Eyes opened, was all wet,
The turmoil had made me sweat.
Woke up with start, on bed was sweat,
But my destiny made me scream,
Negligence of people, carelessness of theirs,
Had lead to destiny we all did fear.
The night, that dream,
The tryst with destiny, that tryst of mine,
Will I never forget,
And to prevent do I incline.
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 10:19 PM 0 comments
The sun scorched her, the load of the bricks tired her, her legs were killing her, and yet, she did not stop. She continued. "Just this time, just another brick, and the work would be done, the wall would be made, and I would get her money......"

The sun, the master of the sky,
Spread his reign in the sky so high,
Threw his scorching weapon at all,
On each and everyone the rays did fall.
Some were cooped up in homes, so cool,
Some in the head did drool,
But few were getting energies and life sucked,
As with great effort the rays they ducked.
With her hands, the beads of sweat she wiped,
Another hand on her head, the bricks to hold at place,
Covered with sweat, she had become all wet,
But she had to continue, some bricks to get.
Her steps faltered, her head dizzy,
Her skin burning and her vision fuzzy,
The bricks went flying,
She fell to the ground sighing.
Minutes not passed, did she sit,
The merciless sun, given her a fit,
He shouted, “do your work,
You are not paid to laze and lurk”.
Gathering her strength, she somehow stood,
Put a cloth on her head, made it her hood,
With bricks she took a step after one,
She would sit after it was all done.
One round, and then two,
Then so many other, not few,
Her weak steps, the ground did tread,
Just another brick, and the wall was done.
With every step on the heated ground,
She weakened and frowned,
Just another brick, then she would be in luck,
Will go home with smile on face, in purse few bucks.
With the thought in her mind,
Consolation did she find,
Hours after hours, she walked and worked,
Until the sun had gone, evening had lurked.
Time was over, work done,
Now with some money,
She could now eat a bun,
Treat her child to a roti and honey.
Wit a brick after the other, a wall made,
Bricks which with her hands had she laid.
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 11, 2010
She said money was bad,people went mad under its influence,money was the root cause of all evil and brought out the devil in people............
You said, money is evil,
Money is bad,
Cause of in you the devil,
And with others all fads.
You said, for money only materialistic yearn,
Without living with money I should learn,
And hat happiness money can’t buy,
And that without money none do die.
I followed your path, your lane,
Without it I tried to maintain my sane,
Without it tried to explore pleasures of life,
Only to find, without it, impossible to thrive.
In world today, evil is good,
Money for everyone has become food,
Life sans money, life not lived,
Accept it or not, its to be believed.
Money can’t buy happiness,
Can buy its source,
Life if not made better,
Its standard can alleviate.
Social standing, of your words the worth,
Born naturally, with money the birth,
Respect gained, money does bias,
If not anything, gain of allies.
Money is bad,
Makes you go mad,
To achieve an obsession,
To spend, a passion.
In world so fast,
People like bad, love to go mad,
Born with silver spoon, or dream of the moon,
Whatever you do, whatever you sow,
See that money you reap, no way low.
Try, try until you succeed,
Money always does happiness precede,
Try, try and get yourself rich,
At least till you die, or destiny does you a ditch!
Vote for me now! Blogomania 2010 sponsored by Odyssey360 | The 24 hour online book store with 5 milion books to choose from.
Posted by aditi at 5:20 PM 0 comments