literature Directory

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Trillions of days lived, millions of people met,
Thousands of work done, Hundreds of goals made,
So many successes, And so many defeats,
But just one dream,
Got shattered, but she could not even scream..
Her heart did sting,
of it to think,
Eyes do nothing but helplessly blink,
So much pain,
But not a drop of tear.

So many days passed,
Many ways crossed,
New experiences met,
New environment set,
New friends made,
New aspirations stayed.
But that one thought,
Every time haunts,
Of weakness reminds,
To her sorrows does it binds,
Heart cries,
Intense pain arise,
But not a drop shed,
she could not cry.

Wanted she, relieved of pain,
Allow tears, drop like rain,
But all it did,
Burden her heart,
With sadness, defeat,
That up till now did she meet.
Of pain, she can shout, she can talk,
But all she wanted was a drop of tear,
But all she could do was,
she could not cry.


Anonymous said...

really poignant description..